ag-grid-rs 0.2.2

Wasm bindings for AG Grid
//! A collection of parameter types passed to callback functions.

use std::collections::HashMap;

use ag_grid_core::imports::ObjectExt;
use ag_grid_derive::FromInterface;
use js_sys::{Function, Object};
use wasm_bindgen::{prelude::*, JsCast};

use crate::{
    filter::{CombinedFilterModel, FilterModel, FilterModelType},
    sort::{ISortModelItem, SortModelItem},

extern "C" {
    pub(crate) type IHeaderValueGetterParams;

    #[wasm_bindgen(method, getter, js_name = colId)]
    pub(crate) fn location(this: &IHeaderValueGetterParams) -> Option<String>;

/// Parameters passed to the closure in
/// [`ColumnDef::header_value_getter`][`crate::ColumnDef::header_value_getter`].
#[derive(Debug, FromInterface)]
pub struct HeaderValueGetterParams {
    /// Where the column is going to appear.
    pub location: Option<String>,

extern "C" {
    pub(crate) type IGetRowsParams;

    #[wasm_bindgen(method, getter, js_name = startRow)]
    fn start_row(this: &IGetRowsParams) -> u32;

    #[wasm_bindgen(method, getter, js_name = endRow)]
    fn end_row(this: &IGetRowsParams) -> u32;

    #[wasm_bindgen(method, getter, js_name = sortModel)]
    fn sort_model(this: &IGetRowsParams) -> Vec<ISortModelItem>;

    #[wasm_bindgen(method, getter, js_name = filterModel)]
    fn filter_model(this: &IGetRowsParams) -> Object;

    #[wasm_bindgen(method, getter, js_name = successCallback)]
    pub(crate) fn success_callback(this: &IGetRowsParams) -> Function;

    #[wasm_bindgen(method, getter, js_name = failCallback)]
    pub(crate) fn fail_callback(this: &IGetRowsParams) -> Function;

/// Parameters passed to the callback function in
/// [`DataSourceBuilder::new`][`crate::gridoptions::DataSourceBuilder`].
pub struct GetRowsParams {
    /// The first row index to get.
    pub start_row: u32,
    /// The first row index to *not* get.
    pub end_row: u32,
    /// A vector of `[SortModelItem]` describing how the data is expected to be
    /// sorted.
    pub sort_model: Vec<SortModelItem>,
    /// Details of how to filter the requested data.
    pub filter_model: HashMap<String, FilterModelType>,

impl From<&IGetRowsParams> for GetRowsParams {
    fn from(i: &IGetRowsParams) -> Self {
        Self {
            start_row: i.start_row(),
            end_row: i.end_row(),
            sort_model: i.sort_model().iter().map(SortModelItem::from).collect(),
            filter_model: {
                let filter_object = i.filter_model().unchecked_into::<ObjectExt>();
                let mut filters = Vec::new();

                for (col, filter) in filter_object.entries() {
                    let filter = filter.unchecked_into::<ObjectExt>();

                    let filter = if filter.has_own_property(&"operator".into()) {
                        let filter = CombinedFilterModel::from_object(&filter);
                    } else {
                        let filter = FilterModel::from_object(&filter);

                    let filter = (col, filter);
