failed to build afxdp-0.1.1
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Visit the last successful build: afxdp-0.4.0


This module provides a Rust interface for AF_XDP built on libbpf-sys (


The goals of this crate, in order, are:

  1. Correctness
  2. Performance
  3. Ease of use

Current Status

The API works for my current use cases but I expect it will change to achieve higher performance and usability.

If you have knowledge of Rust FFI and general Rust unsafe things I would greatly appreciate some help auditing this crate as my experience in this area is limited.

AF_XDP Features

  • HUGE TLB: At present this module always uses HUGETLB to map the memory.
  • ZEROCOPY: At present this module always passes the ZEROCOPY flag which only works with a small number of drivers.
  • Only the chunked memory mode is supported.

To Do

  • Currently this module is not 'safe' because Bufs can outlive the memory pool they are associated with. I believe fixing this will require adding an Arc to each Buf. I have not had the time yet to determine the performance impact of this and would appreciate any other ideas.
  • Allow more configurability of AF XDP features.