afrs 0.1.1

Another f****** rule syntax, simple quick pattern matching on JSON objects (more data types to come).


Another f****** rule syntax, simple quick pattern matching on JSON objects (more data types to come).

Rule Synax

  • Name, the name of the rule.
  • Variables, one or more variables that matches data in a field. Each variable object needs to have a name field and a field field, the name field needs to match a variable name in the conditional string. The field field has to match a fieldname in the JSON object, follows the gjson sytnax. Lastly the type field has to match one of the variable kinds in the table below.
  • Conditional, a string comprised of the variable names (For example A and B | C).


Type Additional Rule Field(s) Description
Contains contains Variable type looks to see if the value at the location specified by field contains the value provided in the contains field.
Exact exact Variable type looks to see if the value at the location specified by field exactly matches the value provided in the exact field.
Regex regex The regex field is read in and deserialized as a (Regex)[] pattern, this is then matched against the value at the location specified by field.