aesni 0.5.1

AES (Rijndael) block ciphers implementation using AES-NI
//! AES block ciphers implementation using AES-NI instruction set.
//! This crate does not implement any software fallback and does not
//! automatically check CPUID, so if you are using this crate make sure to run
//! software on an appropriate hardware or to use software fallback
//! (e.g. from [`aes-soft`]( crate) with
//! runtime detection of AES-NI availability (e.g. by using
//! [`cupid`]( crate).
//! When using this crate do not forget to enable `aes` target feature,
//! otherwise you will get a compilation error. You can do it either by using
//! `RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+aes"` or by editing your `.cargo/config`.
//! Ciphers functionality is accessed using `BlockCipher` trait from
//! [`block-cipher-trait`]( crate.
//! # CTR mode
//! In addition to core block cipher functionality this crate provides optimized
//! CTR mode implementation. This functionality requires additionall `ssse3`
//! target feature and feature-gated behind `ctr` feature flag, which is enabled
//! by default. If you only need block ciphers, disable default features with
//! `default-features = false` in your `Cargro.toml`.
//! AES-CTR functionality is accessed using traits from
//! [`stream-cipher`]( crate.
//! # Vulnerability
//! Lazy FP state restory vulnerability can allow local process to leak content
//! of the FPU register, in which round keys are stored. This vulnerability
//! can be mitigated at the operating system level by installing relevant
//! patches. (i.e. keep your OS updated!) More info:
//! - [Intel advisory](
//! - [Wikipedia](
//! # Usage example
//! ```
//! use aesni::block_cipher_trait::generic_array::GenericArray;
//! use aesni::block_cipher_trait::BlockCipher;
//! use aesni::Aes128;
//! let key = GenericArray::from_slice(&[0u8; 16]);
//! let mut block = GenericArray::clone_from_slice(&[0u8; 16]);
//! let mut block8 = GenericArray::clone_from_slice(&[block; 8]);
//! // Initialize cipher
//! let cipher = aesni::Aes128::new(&key);
//! let block_copy = block.clone();
//! // Encrypt block in-place
//! cipher.encrypt_block(&mut block);
//! // And decrypt it back
//! cipher.decrypt_block(&mut block);
//! assert_eq!(block, block_copy);
//! // We can encrypt 8 blocks simultaneously using
//! // instruction-level parallelism
//! let block8_copy = block8.clone();
//! cipher.encrypt_blocks(&mut block8);
//! cipher.decrypt_blocks(&mut block8);
//! assert_eq!(block8, block8_copy);
//! ```
//! # Runtime detection
//! If you plan to use AES with runtime detection (e.g. via
//! `is_x86_feature_detected!("aes")`), then you'll need to enable `nocheck`
//! feature to disable compile-time target checks. Note that techincally
//! doing so will make API of this crate unsafe, so you MUST ensure that
//! this crate will be used in contexts with enabled necessary target features!
//! # Related documents
//! - [Intel AES-NI whitepaper](
//! - [Use of the AES Instruction Set](
pub extern crate block_cipher_trait;
#[macro_use] extern crate opaque_debug;
#[cfg(feature = "ctr")]
pub extern crate stream_cipher;
#[cfg(not(feature = "nocheck"))]
mod target_checks;
mod utils;
mod aes128;
mod aes192;
mod aes256;
#[cfg(feature = "ctr")]
mod ctr;

#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
use core::arch::x86_64 as arch;
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
use core::arch::x86 as arch;

pub use aes128::Aes128;
pub use aes192::Aes192;
pub use aes256::Aes256;

#[cfg(feature = "ctr")]
pub use ctr::{Aes128Ctr, Aes192Ctr, Aes256Ctr};