Function aerospike::expressions::num_sub

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pub const fn num_sub(exps: Vec<FilterExpression>) -> FilterExpression
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Create “subtract” (-) operator that applies to a variable number of expressions. If only one FilterExpressions is provided, return the negation of that argument. Otherwise, return the sum of the 2nd to Nth FilterExpressions subtracted from the 1st FilterExpressions. All FilterExpressions must resolve to the same type (integer or float). Requires server version 5.6.0+.

use aerospike::expressions::{gt, num_sub, int_bin, int_val};
// a - b - c > 10
gt(num_sub(vec![int_bin("a".to_string()), int_bin("b".to_string()), int_bin("c".to_string())]), int_val(10));