pub trait MissingPartTwo<const DAY: u32> { }
Expand description

MissingPartTwo is a marker trait to tell the compiler that your struct doesn’t impl Solution for Part2.

Implementing this is required in order to run only Part1 using SolutionRunner::run without specifying which SolutionRunner impl to use manually.

Why? It’s to guide the specialization by ensuring that each impl is unique. See specialization for more details.

struct AdventOfCode2021<const DAY: u32>;

impl<'a> Solution<'a, Day1, Part1> for AdventOfCode2021<Day1> {
    // your solution to part 1

// add this to be able to .run() AdventOfCode2021::<Day25> without an implemention for Part2
impl MissingPartTwo<Day1> for AdventOfCode2021<Day1> {}

// ...;
