advent-of-code 2022.0.46

Solutions to Advent of Code
Immune System:
8233 units each with 2012 hit points (immune to radiation) with an attack that does 2 fire damage at initiative 5
2739 units each with 5406 hit points (immune to fire) with an attack that does 16 fire damage at initiative 3
229 units each with 6782 hit points (weak to slashing) with an attack that does 260 cold damage at initiative 7
658 units each with 12313 hit points with an attack that does 132 bludgeoning damage at initiative 4
3231 units each with 1872 hit points (weak to slashing, cold) with an attack that does 5 bludgeoning damage at initiative 1
115 units each with 10354 hit points (immune to fire, radiation, bludgeoning) with an attack that does 788 cold damage at initiative 2
1036 units each with 9810 hit points (weak to radiation) with an attack that does 94 bludgeoning damage at initiative 8
3389 units each with 6734 hit points with an attack that does 19 cold damage at initiative 18
2538 units each with 5597 hit points (weak to slashing, radiation) with an attack that does 15 slashing damage at initiative 16
6671 units each with 6629 hit points (immune to bludgeoning) with an attack that does 8 slashing damage at initiative 14

671 units each with 17509 hit points with an attack that does 52 cold damage at initiative 12
7194 units each with 41062 hit points (immune to cold; weak to radiation) with an attack that does 11 bludgeoning damage at initiative 20
1147 units each with 37194 hit points (weak to radiation, fire) with an attack that does 56 slashing damage at initiative 11
569 units each with 27107 hit points (weak to slashing, bludgeoning) with an attack that does 93 slashing damage at initiative 17
140 units each with 19231 hit points (immune to slashing; weak to bludgeoning) with an attack that does 247 slashing damage at initiative 19
2894 units each with 30877 hit points (immune to radiation, bludgeoning) with an attack that does 15 radiation damage at initiative 10
1246 units each with 8494 hit points (weak to fire) with an attack that does 12 bludgeoning damage at initiative 9
4165 units each with 21641 hit points (weak to radiation; immune to fire) with an attack that does 10 radiation damage at initiative 6
7374 units each with 24948 hit points (weak to cold) with an attack that does 5 fire damage at initiative 13
4821 units each with 26018 hit points with an attack that does 10 fire damage at initiative 15