ads-proto 0.1.0

Implementation of the Beckhoff ADS protocol (Automation Device Specification)
/// enum with ADS states
pub mod ads_state;
/// enum with different transition modes for device notifications. Used for [AddDeviceNotification](request::AddDeviceNotificationRequest)
pub mod ads_transition_mode;
pub mod ams_address;
pub mod ams_header;
/// enum with commands which can resolve to the command id needed in the AMS header.
pub mod command_id;
pub mod proto_traits;
/// enum containing a specific request and structures holding the data for the specific request (client to server).
pub mod request;
/// enum containing a specific response and structures holding the data for the specific respons (server to clinet).
pub mod response;
///helper struct to interprete/create the state flags from/for the AMS header.
pub mod state_flags;
///Bundle multiple requests or responses to a single read, write or read-write command payload.
pub mod sumup;