adler32fast 1.0.4

Fast, SIMD-accelerated Adler-32 checksum computation


Fast, SIMD-accelerated Adler-32 checksum computation


use adler32fast::Adler32;

let mut adler32 = Adler32::new();
adler32.update(b"foo bar baz");
let checksum = adler32.as_u32();


This crate contains multiple Adler-32 implementations:

  • A fast baseline implementation which processes up to 16 bytes per iteration
  • An optimized implementation for modern x86/x86_64 using ssse3 instructions

Calling the Adler32::new or Adler32::from constructor at runtime will perform a feature detection to select the most optimal implementation for the current CPU feature set.

crate version variant us/iter GiB/s
adler32 1.2.0 n/a 232.79 4.00
adler32fast (this crate) 1.0.4 baseline 228.52 4.14
adler32fast (this crate) 1.0.4 ssse3 31.04 30.01

Benchmarks using criterion can be run on stable Rust with cargo bench.

Contributions are welcomed for more SIMD variants!

Memory Safety

Due to the use of SIMD intrinsics for the optimized implementations, this crate contains some amount of unsafe code.

adler32fast is fuzz-tested with cargo-fuzz. (NOTE: cargo-fuzz does not work on Windows, but can run under WSL.)

cargo-fuzz currently requires the nightly toolchain.

$ cargo install cargo-fuzz
$ rustup toolchain install nightly

$ cargo +nightly fuzz run adler32


This work is based on crc32fast as inspiration.

The SSE implementation has been derived from Google's Wuffs implementation.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.