Constant add_ed::error_consts::HELP_TEXT[][src]

pub const HELP_TEXT: &str = "Application commands:
  q: Quit the editor. Warns on unsaved changes.
  h: Print last occured error
  H: Toggle printing errors vs just noting there was an error
  help: Print this help text
  =: Print current selection
  #: Do nothing (start of comment)
File commands:
  f: Print current filepath; or set filepath if one is given
  e: Open given filepath for editing. If none given use current filepath. Warns on unsaved changes.
  r: Append contents from given filepath to current selection. If none given use current filepath.
  w: Write contents of buffer to given filepath. If none given use current filepath.
  W: Append contents of buffer to given filepath. If none given use current filepath.
Print commands:
  Most commands below take flags p (print), n (numbered print), l (escaped print).
  (no command): Normal print by default. Also takes flags.
  z: Scroll (and print) given number of lines down from end of selection. 
  Z: Scroll (and print) given number of lines up from start of selection. 
Editing commands:
  a: Append lines entered after the command to selection. Stop line entry with lone '.' on a line.
  i: Same as 'a' but places lines before selection.
  c: Same as 'a' except it also cuts the selection into clipboard.
  d: Cut the selection into clipboard.
  y: Copy the selection into clipboard.
  x/X: Append/prepend clipboard contents to selection.
  m: Move the selection to index given after command.
  t: Copy the selection to index given after command.
  j: Join the selection into one line. (only removes newlines)
Regex commands:
  s: Uses the first character as a separator between a regex matching pattern and a replacement string.
     If no arguments are given it re-uses the arguments given last execution.
  g: Uses the first character as a separator between a regex matching pattern and any number of commands.
     If the line doesn't end with the separator it takes input until the separator is given alone on a line.
  G: Same as 'g' but only takes a pattern. The commands to run are requested for each matching line.
     Input is terminated by the separator alone on a line, just as 'g' if command line isn't separator terminated.
  v/V: Same as their 'g' counterparts except they invert the pattern.";