Module adapton::engine::reflect [] [src]

Reflects the DCG engine, including both the effects of the programs running in it, and the internal effects of the engine cleaning and dirtying the DCG. For the latter effects, see the trace module.

Reflected Values. Notably, the values in the engine (including the values of mutable and compute nodes, and the values stored on edges between them) are reflected here into a special Val type. Primarily, the distinction between actual Rust values and this reflected Val type is what makes the DCG engine "reflected" by the definitions in this module, and not identical to them.

This module provides an interface used by Adapton Lab to produce HTML visualizations of these internal structures, for experimentation and debugging (namely, the dcg_reflect_begin and dcg_reflect_end functions). For the purposes of debugging, visualization and design/exploration, we exploit the reflected version of values to "walk" them, finding their articulations, and walking their values, recursively.



Gives effects and traces for cleaning and dirtying, the engine's internal DCG traversal/processing. By contrast, the enclosing module (reflect) only gives reflected versions of the DCG itself, not changes that the engine makes to it.



Reflected version of engine::CompNode. Stores a reflected value of type Option<Val>, which is None when the node has not yet been executed, and Some(_) otherwise.


Reflected version of engine::DCG.


Reflected version of engine::Frame.


Reflected version of engine::Loc A Loc is a particular template for a Name: It is a path (a possibly-empty list of Names), followed by a distinguished Name. A Loc can be thought of roughly like a file path in UNIX (but Adapton has nothing to do with files, or with UNIX, directly).


Reflected version of engine::Pred


Reflected version of engine::PureNode. Stores a reflected value of type Val.


Reflected version of engine::MutNode. Stores a reflected value of type Val.


Reflected version of engine::Succ. Unlike the real engine's Succ type, this version stores a reflected value (of type Val).



The content of an articulation: Either a cell holding a value, or a thunk that has optionally produced a value.


Primitive constants


Reflected version of engine::Effect


Reflected version of engine::Node. Unlike the real engine, these nodes are not parameterized by a value type. Instead, their values are all reflected into type Val.


Reflected value; Gives a syntax for inductive data type constructors (Constr), named articulations (Art) and primitive data (Data). All values in the engine (including the values of nodes, and the values stored on edges) are represented with this reflected Val type. Primarily, this distinction between actual Rust values and this type is what makes the DCG engine "reflected" by the definitions in this module, and not identical to them.



This trait consists of the ability for a reference to Self to produce a T. Conceptually, that value of type T is the "reflection" of Self. A large set of types in engine implement this trait for a particular type in this module, which represents its reflection. The documentation of this module makes this correspondance clear.



Begin recording (reflections of) DCG effects. See dcg_reflect_end().


Stop recording (reflections of) DCG effects, and return them as a forrest (of DCG traces). See dcg_reflect_begin().


Reflect the DCG's internal structure now. Does not reflect any engine effects over this DCG (e.g., no cleaning or dirtying), just the program effects recorded by the DCG's structure. Returns None if the engine is Naive and thus has no reflected state whatsoever.


Get the Preds of a Node, if they are defined.


Rust data and articulation reflection: Transform any(*) Rust data that derives Debug into a reflected Val.


See doc for write_loc. Returns this output as a string.


See doc for write_name. Returns this output as a string.


See doc for write_path. Returns this output as a string.


Get the Succs of a Node, if they are defined.


Write a concise human-readable version of the location (not the verbose, machine-parsable Debug version).


Write a concise human-readable version of the name (not the verbose, machine-parsable Debug version).


Write a concise human-readable version of the path (not the verbose, machine-parsable Debug version).

Type Definitions


A Path here is just a Vec of Names