[][src]Macro ad_hoc_iter::iter

macro_rules! iter {
    (@) => { ... };
    (@ $x:tt $($xs:tt)* ) => { ... };
    () => { ... };
    ($($value:expr),* $(,)?) => { ... };

A bespoke iterator type with an exact size over elements.

This has an advantage over using simple inline slices (e.g [1,2,3]) as they currently cannot implement IntoIterator properly, and will always yield references. This can be a hinderance when you want an ad-hoc iterator of non-Copy items.

The iterator types created from this macro consume the values. It has the advantage over vec![].into_iter() as there are no heap allocations needed and size of the iterator is known at compile time.


let sum: i32 = iter![1, 2].chain(3..=4).chain(iter![5, 6]).sum();
assert_eq!(sum, 21);


The iterators returned from this method have these associated functions:

The length of the whole iterator

pub const fn len(&self) -> usize

The rest of the iterator that has not been consumed.

pub fn rest(&self) -> &[T]

The whole array.

All values that have not been consumed are initialised, values that have been consumed are uninitialised.

pub fn array(&self) -> &[MaybeUninit<T>; Self::LEN]

How many items have since been consumed.

pub const fn consumed(&self) -> usize