actix 0.3.2

Actor framework for Rust
//! Definition of the `Result` (immediately finished) combinator

use std::marker::PhantomData;
use futures::{Poll, Async};

use fut::ActorFuture;
use actor::Actor;

/// A future representing a value that is immediately ready.
/// Created by the `result` function.
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
// TODO: rename this to `Result` on the next major version
pub struct FutureResult<T, E, A> {
    inner: Option<Result<T, E>>,
    act: PhantomData<A>,

/// Creates a new "leaf future" which will resolve with the given result.
/// The returned future represents a computation which is finshed immediately.
/// This can be useful with the `finished` and `failed` base future types to
/// convert an immediate value to a future to interoperate elsewhere.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use actix::{fut, Actor, Context};
/// struct MyActor;
/// impl Actor for MyActor {
///    type Context = Context<Self>;
/// }
/// let future_of_1 = fut::result::<u32, u32, MyActor>(Ok(1));
/// let future_of_err_2 = fut::result::<u32, u32, MyActor>(Err(2));
/// ```
pub fn result<T, E, A>(r: Result<T, E>) -> FutureResult<T, E, A> {
    FutureResult { inner: Some(r), act: PhantomData }

/// Creates a "leaf future" from an immediate value of a finished and
/// successful computation.
/// The returned future is similar to `result` where it will immediately run a
/// scheduled callback with the provided value.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use actix::{Actor, Context};
/// use actix::fut::*;
/// struct MyActor;
/// impl Actor for MyActor {
///    type Context = Context<Self>;
/// }
/// let future_of_1 = ok::<u32, u32, MyActor>(1);
/// ```
pub fn ok<T, E, S>(t: T) -> FutureResult<T, E, S> {

/// Creates a "leaf future" from an immediate value of a failed computation.
/// The returned future is similar to `result` where it will immediately run a
/// scheduled callback with the provided value.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use actix::{fut, Actor, Context};
/// struct MyActor;
/// impl Actor for MyActor {
///    type Context = Context<Self>;
/// }
/// let future_of_err_1 = fut::err::<u32, u32, MyActor>(1);
/// ```
pub fn err<T, E, A>(e: E) -> FutureResult<T, E, A> {

impl<T, E, A> ActorFuture for FutureResult<T, E, A> where A:Actor {
    type Item = T;
    type Error = E;
    type Actor = A;

    fn poll(&mut self, _: &mut Self::Actor, _: &mut <Self::Actor as Actor>::Context) -> Poll<T, E>
        self.inner.take().expect("cannot poll Result twice").map(Async::Ready)