actix-web 4.3.0

Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust
use super::CONTENT_TYPE;
use mime::Mime;

crate::http::header::common_header! {
    /// `Content-Type` header, defined
    /// in [RFC 7231 ยง3.1.1.5](
    /// The `Content-Type` header field indicates the media type of the
    /// associated representation: either the representation enclosed in the
    /// message payload or the selected representation, as determined by the
    /// message semantics.  The indicated media type defines both the data
    /// format and how that data is intended to be processed by a recipient,
    /// within the scope of the received message semantics, after any content
    /// codings indicated by Content-Encoding are decoded.
    /// Although the `mime` crate allows the mime options to be any slice, this crate
    /// forces the use of Vec. This is to make sure the same header can't have more than 1 type. If
    /// this is an issue, it's possible to implement `Header` on a custom struct.
    /// # ABNF
    /// ```plain
    /// Content-Type = media-type
    /// ```
    /// # Example Values
    /// * `text/html; charset=utf-8`
    /// * `application/json`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use actix_web::HttpResponse;
    /// use actix_web::http::header::ContentType;
    /// let mut builder = HttpResponse::Ok();
    /// builder.insert_header(
    ///     ContentType::json()
    /// );
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// use actix_web::HttpResponse;
    /// use actix_web::http::header::ContentType;
    /// let mut builder = HttpResponse::Ok();
    /// builder.insert_header(
    ///     ContentType(mime::TEXT_HTML)
    /// );
    /// ```
    (ContentType, CONTENT_TYPE) => [Mime]

    test_parse_and_format {

impl ContentType {
    /// A constructor to easily create a `Content-Type: application/json`
    /// header.
    pub fn json() -> ContentType {

    /// A constructor to easily create a `Content-Type: text/plain;
    /// charset=utf-8` header.
    pub fn plaintext() -> ContentType {

    /// A constructor to easily create a `Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8`
    /// header.
    pub fn html() -> ContentType {

    /// A constructor to easily create a `Content-Type: text/xml` header.
    pub fn xml() -> ContentType {

    /// A constructor to easily create a `Content-Type:
    /// application/www-form-url-encoded` header.
    pub fn form_url_encoded() -> ContentType {

    /// A constructor to easily create a `Content-Type: image/jpeg` header.
    pub fn jpeg() -> ContentType {

    /// A constructor to easily create a `Content-Type: image/png` header.
    pub fn png() -> ContentType {

    /// A constructor to easily create a `Content-Type:
    /// application/octet-stream` header.
    pub fn octet_stream() -> ContentType {