actix-web 4.0.0-beta.9

Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust
name = "actix-web"
version = "4.0.0-beta.9"
authors = ["Nikolay Kim <>"]
description = "Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust"
keywords = ["actix", "http", "web", "framework", "async"]
categories = [
homepage = ""
repository = ""
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
edition = "2018"

# features that will build with
features = ["openssl", "rustls", "compress-brotli", "compress-gzip", "compress-zstd", "cookies", "secure-cookies"]

name = "actix_web"
path = "src/"

resolver = "2"
members = [
# enable when MSRV is 1.51+
# resolver = "2"

default = ["compress-brotli", "compress-gzip", "compress-zstd", "cookies"]

# Brotli algorithm content-encoding support
compress-brotli = ["actix-http/compress-brotli", "__compress"]
# Gzip and deflate algorithms content-encoding support
compress-gzip = ["actix-http/compress-gzip", "__compress"]
# Zstd algorithm content-encoding support
compress-zstd = ["actix-http/compress-zstd", "__compress"]

# support for cookies
cookies = ["cookie"]

# secure cookies feature
secure-cookies = ["cookie/secure"]

# openssl
openssl = ["actix-http/openssl", "actix-tls/accept", "actix-tls/openssl"]

# rustls
rustls = ["actix-http/rustls", "actix-tls/accept", "actix-tls/rustls"]

# Internal (PRIVATE!) features used to aid testing and cheking feature status.
# Don't rely on these whatsoever. They may disappear at anytime.
__compress = []

actix-codec = "0.4.0"
actix-macros = "0.2.1"
actix-router = "0.5.0-beta.2"
actix-rt = "2.2"
actix-server = "2.0.0-beta.3"
actix-service = "2.0.0"
actix-utils = "3.0.0"
actix-tls = { version = "3.0.0-beta.5", default-features = false, optional = true }

actix-web-codegen = "0.5.0-beta.4"
actix-http = "3.0.0-beta.10"

ahash = "0.7"
bytes = "1"
cfg-if = "1"
cookie = { version = "0.15", features = ["percent-encode"], optional = true }
derive_more = "0.99.5"
either = "1.5.3"
encoding_rs = "0.8"
futures-core = { version = "0.3.7", default-features = false }
futures-util = { version = "0.3.7", default-features = false }
itoa = "0.4"
language-tags = "0.3"
once_cell = "1.5"
log = "0.4"
mime = "0.3"
paste = "1"
pin-project = "1.0.0"
regex = "1.4"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
serde_urlencoded = "0.7"
smallvec = "1.6.1"
socket2 = "0.4.0"
time = { version = "0.2.23", default-features = false, features = ["std"] }
url = "2.1"

# Disabling debug info speeds up builds a bunch and we don't rely on it for debugging that much.
debug = 0

lto = true
opt-level = 3
codegen-units = 1

actix-files = { path = "actix-files" }
actix-http = { path = "actix-http" }
actix-http-test = { path = "actix-http-test" }
actix-multipart = { path = "actix-multipart" }
actix-router = { path = "actix-router" }
actix-test = { path = "actix-test" }
actix-web = { path = "." }
actix-web-actors = { path = "actix-web-actors" }
actix-web-codegen = { path = "actix-web-codegen" }
awc = { path = "awc" }

name = "test_server"
required-features = ["compress-brotli", "compress-gzip", "compress-zstd", "cookies"]

name = "basic"
required-features = ["compress-gzip"]

name = "uds"
required-features = ["compress-gzip"]

name = "on_connect"
required-features = []

name = "server"
harness = false

name = "service"
harness = false

name = "responder"
harness = false