Module actix_web::dev[][src]

Expand description

Lower-level types and re-exports.

Most users will not have to interact with the types in this module, but it is useful for those writing extractors, middleware and libraries, or interacting with the service API directly.


An implementation of poll_ready that always signals readiness.

An implementation of poll_ready that forwards readiness checks to a named struct field.


Application connection config.

Application configuration

HTTP connection information.

A type map for request extensions.

Resource path match information.

Extractor for peer’s socket address.

Stream that reads request line by line.

Describes the set of paths that match to a resource.

An HTTP response.

Server handle.

A service level request wrapper.

A service level response wrapper.

Known sized streaming response wrapper.

Future that resolves to some T when parsed from a URL encoded payload.


Represents various types of HTTP message body.

Body size hint.

Future that resolves to some T when parsed from a JSON payload.

Type represent streaming payload

General purpose TCP server that runs services receiving Tokio TcpStreams.


Helper trait that allows to set specific encoding for response.

An interface for response bodies.

An asynchronous operation from Request to a Response.

Factory for creating Services.

Defines the interface of a service factory that wraps inner service during construction.


Create ServiceFactory for function that can produce services

Create ServiceFactory for function that can act as a Service

Type Definitions

Type represent boxed payload