actix-jwt-authc 0.1.0

Actix middleware for authenticating JWTs with support for invalidation

actix-jwt-authc Continuous integration

An JWT authentication middleware for Actix that supports checking for invalidated JWTs without paying the cost for a per-request IO call. It does this by periodically pulling a set of invalidated JWTs and storing them in memory from a reader implementation.

This middleware is based on the assumption that since JWTs (should) have an expiry, ultimately, an in-memory set of explicitly invalidated JWTs that are periodically reloaded (ie trimmed) should not be overwhelmingly big.




The example included in this repo has

  • A simple set of routes for starting and inspecting the current session
  • An in-memory implementation of the invalidated JWT interface
    • In-memory loop for purging expired JWTs from the store
  • ring to generate an Ed25519 keypair for EdDSA-signed JWTs

Both session and JWT keys are generated on the fly, so JWTs are incompatible across restarts.

It supports tracing and session as features. To run a server on 8080:

cargo run --example inmemory --features tracing,session

Supported endpoints

  • /login to start a session
  • /logout to destroy the current session (requires a session)
  • /session to inspect the current session (requires a session)
  • /maybe_sesion to inspect the current session if it exists

If session is not passed, authentication in the example is dependent on Bearer tokens sent as an Authorization header.