actix-elastic 1.0.3

elasticsearch 7.x actix actor
# actix-elastic

## Installation

Add this package to `Cargo.toml` of your project. (Check for right version)

actix = "0.10.0"
actix-elastic = "1.0.0"

## Get started

1. Create an elastic actix actor

use actix::{Arbiter, Addr, Supervisor};
use actix_elastic::{EsClient, EsCmd, EsResult};

let arb = Arbiter::new();
let elastic_url = ""

let addr: Addr<EsClient<CustomType>> = Supervisor::start_in_arbiter(&arb, move |_| EsClient::new(elastic_url).unwrap());

2. Send elastic command

use serde_json::json;

addr.send(EsCmd::Index("example_index_1", ("id_1", CustomType))).await??;

addr.send(EsCmd::Search("example_index_1", json!({
    "query": {
        "match_all": {}

addr.send(EsCmd::DeleteByQuery("example_index_1", json!({
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "match_phase": {
                        "name": "alice"

3. Scroll All Hits And Give Every Chunk To Client

use actix_web::HttpResponse;

match addr.send(EsCmd::ScrollBytes("example_index_1", json!({
    "query": {
        "match_all": {}
}))).await?? {
    EsResult::ScrollBytes(stream) => Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().content_type("application/json").streaming_response(stream)),
        _ => unreachable!()

4. Scroll Deserialized Items


match addr.send(EsCmd::ScrollItems("example_index_1", json!({
    "query": {
        "match_all": {}
}))).await?? {
    EsResult::ScrollItems(mut stream) => {
        while let Some(hits) = {
            println!("{:?}", hits.len());
        _ => unreachable!()