acpi 0.1.0

Library for parsing ACPI tables and AML


A library to parse ACPI tables and AML, written in Rust. Designed to be easy to use from inside a kernel written in Rust, and fully tested. Acpi is currently very early in development, will be highly unstable and is next to useless for actually parsing ACPI or AML.


acpi uses the nightly channel, and currently builds on rustc 1.27.0-nightly (7925ff4e 2018-04-19). If acpi fails to build on a later nightly, please file an issue!


Contributions are more than welcome! You can:

  • Write code - the ACPI spec is huge and there are bound to be things we don't support yet!



Acpi is dual-licenced under:

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution submitted for inclusion in this work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 licence, shall be dual licenced as above, without additional terms or conditions.