accord 0.1.0

Library for validating data according to rules like "contains", "length", "either", "range". Requires Rust nightly until conservative_impl_trait lands in stable.


Build Status Current Version

⚠️ Accord uses the unstable feature conservative_impl_trait and thus requires nightly until the feature lands in beta/stable.

Accord is a library for validating data according to rules like "contains", "length", "either".

Accord is two fold, the first part being a set of validator-functions that for example tests that a String is a minimum 5 characters long or that an i32 is either 10 or 20, and the second part being a set of primitives that enables you to pair these validators and run a "validation suite" on the contents of a struct or any other data, to make sure that it contains what you expect it does and if not, it returns useful error messages that can be shown to a user to help the user fix the validation issue.

Usage tl;dr:

extern crate accord;

use accord::validate;
use accord::validators::{length, contains, range};

fn main() {
    let email = "test@test.test".to_string();
    let password = "kfjsdkfjsdkfjfksjdfkdsfjs".to_string();
    let age = 25;

    let errors = rules!{
        email => [length(5, 64), contains("@"), contains(".")],
        password => [length(8, 64)],
        age => [range(12, 127)]


  • Examples: Usage examples are available in the examples/ directory
  • API Documentation: Documentation generated from the source code, comments and examples

Building locally


Accord requires a nightly version of Rust since it uses the feature conservative_impl_trait which is not available in neither the beta or stable version yet.

Building: cargo build

Testing: cargo test


Contributions are absolutely, positively welcome and encouraged! Contributions come in many forms. You could:

  1. Submit a feature request or bug report as an issue.
  2. Ask for improved documentation as an issue.
  3. Contribute code via pull requests.

To keep a high standard of quality, contributed code must be:

  • Commented: Public items must be commented.
  • Documented: Exposed items must have rustdoc comments with examples, if applicable.
  • Styled: Your code should be rustfmt'd when possible.
  • Simple: Your code should accomplish its task as simply and idiomatically as possible.
  • Tested: You must add (and pass) convincing tests for any functionality you add.
  • Focused: Your code should do what it's supposed to do and nothing more.

All pull requests are code reviewed and tested by the CI. Note that unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Accord by you shall be MIT License without any additional terms or conditions.

Thanks to Rocket for showing how to form a great contributing-section.


Accord is Copyright (c) 2016 Christoffer Buchholz. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.