accessor 0.3.3

A library to access MMIO space
//! An accessor to a single element

use {
        marker::{self, AccessorTypeSpecifier, Readable, Writable},
    core::{fmt, hash::Hash, marker::PhantomData, mem, ptr},

/// An alias of [`ReadWrite`].
#[deprecated(since = "0.3.2", note = "Use `ReadWrite`.")]
pub type Single<T, M> = ReadWrite<T, M>;

/// A readable and writable accessor.
pub type ReadWrite<T, M> = Generic<T, M, marker::ReadWrite>;

/// A read-only accessor.
pub type ReadOnly<T, M> = Generic<T, M, marker::ReadOnly>;

/// A write-only accessor.
pub type WriteOnly<T, M> = Generic<T, M, marker::WriteOnly>;

/// An accessor to read, modify, and write a single value of memory.
/// `T` does not need to implement [`Copy`]. However, be careful that [`Generic::read_volatile`]
/// creates and [`Generic::write_volatile`] writes a bitwise copy of a value.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// use accessor::mapper::Mapper;
/// use accessor::single;
/// use core::num::NonZeroUsize;
/// struct M;
/// impl Mapper for M {
///     unsafe fn map(&mut self, phys_start: usize, bytes: usize) -> NonZeroUsize {
///         todo!()
///     }
///     fn unmap(&mut self, phys_start: usize, bytes: usize) {
///         todo!()
///     }
/// }
/// let mapper = M;
/// // Create an accessor to the i32 value at the physical address 0x1000.
/// let mut a = unsafe { single::ReadWrite::<i32, M>::new(0x1000, mapper) };
/// // Read a value.
/// a.read_volatile();
/// // Write 42.
/// a.write_volatile(42);
/// // Update the value.
/// a.update_volatile(|v| {
///     *v *= 2;
/// });
/// ```
pub struct Generic<T, M, A>
    M: Mapper,
    A: AccessorTypeSpecifier,
    virt: usize,
    bytes: usize,
    _marker: PhantomData<T>,
    _readable_writable: PhantomData<A>,
    mapper: M,
impl<T, M, A> Generic<T, M, A>
    M: Mapper,
    A: AccessorTypeSpecifier,
    /// Creates a new accessor to an element of type `T` at the physical address `phys_base`.
    /// # Safety
    /// The caller must ensure the following conditions:
    /// - The value at the physical address `phys_base` is valid.
    /// - Any other accessors except the one returned by this method must not access the value
    /// while the returned one lives.
    /// # Panics
    /// This method panics if `phys_base` is not aligned as the type `T` requires.
    pub unsafe fn new(phys_base: usize, mut mapper: M) -> Self {

        let bytes = mem::size_of::<T>();
        let virt =, bytes).get();

        Self {
            _marker: PhantomData,
            _readable_writable: PhantomData,

    /// Creates a new accessor to an element of type `T` at the physical address `phys_base`.
    /// # Safety
    /// The caller must ensure the following conditions:
    /// - The value at the physical address `phys_base` is valid.
    /// - Any other accessors except the one returned by this method must not access the value
    /// while the returned one lives.
    /// # Errors
    /// This method may return a [`Error::NotAligned`] error if `phys_base` is not aligned as the
    /// type `T` requires.
    pub unsafe fn try_new(phys_base: usize, mapper: M) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        if super::is_aligned::<T>(phys_base) {
            Ok(Self::new(phys_base, mapper))
        } else {
            Err(Error::NotAligned {
                alignment: mem::align_of::<T>(),
                address: phys_base,
impl<T, M, A> Generic<T, M, A>
    M: Mapper,
    A: Readable,
    /// Reads a value from the address that the accessor points to.
    pub fn read_volatile(&self) -> T {
        // SAFETY: `Accessor::new` ensures that `self.virt` is aligned properly.
        unsafe { ptr::read_volatile(self.virt as *const _) }

    /// Alias of [`Generic::read_volatile`].
    #[deprecated(since = "0.3.1", note = "use `read_volatile`")]
    pub fn read(&self) -> T {
impl<T, M, A> Generic<T, M, A>
    M: Mapper,
    A: Writable,
    /// Writes a value to the address that the accessor points to.
    pub fn write_volatile(&mut self, v: T) {
        // SAFETY: `Accessor::new` ensures that `self.virt` is aligned properly.
        unsafe {
            ptr::write_volatile(self.virt as *mut _, v);

    /// Alias of [`Generic::write_volatile`].
    #[deprecated(since = "0.3.1", note = "use `write_volatile`")]
    pub fn write(&mut self, v: T) {
impl<T, M, A> Generic<T, M, A>
    M: Mapper,
    A: Readable + Writable,
    /// Updates a value that the accessor points by reading it, modifying it, and writing it.
    /// Note that some MMIO regions (e.g. the Command Ring Pointer field of the Command
    /// Ring Control Register of the xHCI) may return 0 regardless of the actual values of the
    /// fields. For these regions, this operation should be called only once.
    pub fn update_volatile<U>(&mut self, f: U)
        U: FnOnce(&mut T),
        let mut v = self.read_volatile();
        f(&mut v);

    /// Alias of [`Generic::update_volatile`].
    #[deprecated(since = "0.3.1", note = "use `update_volatile`")]
    pub fn update<U>(&mut self, f: U)
        U: FnOnce(&mut T),
impl<T, M, A> fmt::Debug for Generic<T, M, A>
    T: fmt::Debug,
    M: Mapper,
    A: Readable,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{:?}", self.read_volatile())
impl<T, M, A> PartialEq for Generic<T, M, A>
    T: PartialEq,
    M: Mapper,
    A: Readable,
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
impl<T, M, A> Eq for Generic<T, M, A>
    T: Eq,
    M: Mapper,
    A: Readable,
impl<T, M, A> PartialOrd for Generic<T, M, A>
    T: PartialOrd,
    M: Mapper,
    A: Readable,
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<core::cmp::Ordering> {
impl<T, M, A> Ord for Generic<T, M, A>
    T: Ord,
    M: Mapper,
    A: Readable,
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> core::cmp::Ordering {
impl<T, M, A> Hash for Generic<T, M, A>
    T: Hash,
    M: Mapper,
    A: Readable,
    fn hash<H: core::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl<T, M, A> Drop for Generic<T, M, A>
    M: Mapper,
    A: AccessorTypeSpecifier,
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        self.mapper.unmap(self.virt, self.bytes);