accesskit_windows 0.10.4

AccessKit UI accessibility infrastructure: Windows adapter
// Copyright 2022 The AccessKit Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (found in
// the LICENSE-APACHE file) or the MIT license (found in
// the LICENSE-MIT file), at your option.

use std::{num::NonZeroU128, sync::Arc};

use accesskit::{ActionHandler, ActionRequest, Node, NodeId, Role, Tree, TreeUpdate};
use windows::Win32::{Foundation::*, UI::Accessibility::*};
use winit::{
    platform::windows::{EventLoopBuilderExtWindows, WindowExtWindows},

use crate::SubclassingAdapter;

const WINDOW_TITLE: &str = "Simple test";

const WINDOW_ID: NodeId = NodeId(unsafe { NonZeroU128::new_unchecked(1) });
const BUTTON_1_ID: NodeId = NodeId(unsafe { NonZeroU128::new_unchecked(2) });
const BUTTON_2_ID: NodeId = NodeId(unsafe { NonZeroU128::new_unchecked(3) });

fn make_button(name: &str) -> Arc<Node> {
    Arc::new(Node {
        role: Role::Button,
        name: Some(name.into()),
        focusable: true,

fn get_initial_state() -> TreeUpdate {
    let root = Arc::new(Node {
        role: Role::Window,
        children: vec![BUTTON_1_ID, BUTTON_2_ID],
        name: Some(WINDOW_TITLE.into()),
    let button_1 = make_button("Button 1");
    let button_2 = make_button("Button 2");
    TreeUpdate {
        nodes: vec![
            (WINDOW_ID, root),
            (BUTTON_1_ID, button_1),
            (BUTTON_2_ID, button_2),
        tree: Some(Tree::new(WINDOW_ID)),
        focus: None,

pub struct NullActionHandler;

impl ActionHandler for NullActionHandler {
    fn do_action(&self, _request: ActionRequest) {}

// This module uses winit for the purpose of testing with a real third-party
// window implementation that we don't control.

fn has_native_uia() {
    // This test is simple enough that we know it's fine to run entirely
    // on one thread, so we don't need a full multithreaded test harness.
    let event_loop = EventLoopBuilder::<()>::new().with_any_thread(true).build();
    let window = WindowBuilder::new()
    let hwnd = HWND(window.hwnd());
    assert!(!unsafe { UiaHasServerSideProvider(hwnd) }.as_bool());
    let adapter = SubclassingAdapter::new(hwnd, get_initial_state, Box::new(NullActionHandler {}));
    assert!(unsafe { UiaHasServerSideProvider(hwnd) }.as_bool());
    assert!(!unsafe { UiaHasServerSideProvider(hwnd) }.as_bool());
    let adapter = SubclassingAdapter::new(hwnd, get_initial_state, Box::new(NullActionHandler {}));
    assert!(unsafe { UiaHasServerSideProvider(hwnd) }.as_bool());