accepted 0.1.14

A text editor to be ACCEPTED.


A terminal text editor to be **ACCEPTED**.

![Accepted screenshot](demo.png "acc")

## Description

A modal text editor for competitive rust programmer written with Rust.

Primary target is in competitive Rust programmers.

So this can Rustfmt and Test run with clipboard input which is useful to competitive programming by simple command.

### Features

* Autoformat with [Rustfmt] 
* Completion with [RLS] / [Racer]
* Auto compile and show compiler messages
* Easy to test a single rust code
* VScode style snippet support
* Mouse support

## Install

You need nightly Rust.

$ cargo install accepted

If you haven't install [Rustfmt](, i recommend to install it.

# Usage

$ acc [file]

TODO: More precisely.

## Basic

Many commands of `acc` is same as Vim.

i, I, a, A, o, O to insert mode and Esc to return.

hjkl, w, e, b to move cursor.

y, d, c, v, V works like vim

## Space Prefix

Some of commands can run with space as a prefix.

SPACE -> q to Quit.

SPACE -> s to Save.

SPACE -> a to Save As.

SPACE -> y to Copy all to clipboard

SPACE -> SPACE to Rustfmt.

SPACE -> t to compile and run with clipboard input.

SPACE -> T to compile (optimized) and run with clipboard input.

SPACE -> q to Quit.

## Snippet support

This supports vscode style snippet.

You can configure by toml file placed in `[config_dir]/acc/init.toml`

config_dir is defined in [here](

The only configurable thing is snippet 

snippet = ["path_to_snippet_file"]

## Contribution

Any kind of contribution including feature request is welcome !!