accel 0.2.0

GPGPU Framework for Rust
Accel: GPGPU Framework for Rust


CUDA-based GPGPU framework for Rust


- Compile PTX Kernel from Rust using NVPTX backend of LLVM (demonstrated in [japaric/nvptx]
- [proc-macro-attribute] approach like [futures-await]
- Simple memory management using [Unified Memory]

Sub Crates
- [accel-derive]accel-derive/ Define procedual macro `#[kernel]`
- [accel-core]accel-core/ Support crate for writing GPU kernel
- [nvptx]nvptx: Compile Rust into PTX using [LLVM/NVPTX backend]
- [cuda-sys]cuda-sys/ Rust binding to CUDA Driver/Runtime APIs


- Install [CUDA] on your system
- Install [LLVM] 6.0 or later (use `llc` and `llvm-link` to create PTX)
- Install Rust using []
- Install [xargo], a sysroot manager

Or, you can use [termoshtt/rust-cuda]( container whith satisfies these requirements.

docker run -it --rm --runtime=nvidia termoshtt/rust-cuda

See also [nvidia-docker](



extern crate accel;
extern crate accel_derive;

use accel_derive::kernel;
use accel::*;

#[crate("accel-core" = "0.2.0-alpha")]
pub unsafe fn add(a: *const f64, b: *const f64, c: *mut f64, n: usize) {
    let i = accel_core::index();
    if (i as usize) < n {
        *c.offset(i) = *a.offset(i) + *b.offset(i);

fn main() {
    let n = 32;
    let mut a = UVec::new(n).unwrap();
    let mut b = UVec::new(n).unwrap();
    let mut c = UVec::new(n).unwrap();

    for i in 0..n {
        a[i] = i as f64;
        b[i] = 2.0 * i as f64;
    println!("a = {:?}", a.as_slice());
    println!("b = {:?}", b.as_slice());

    let grid = Grid::x(1);
    let block = Block::x(n as u32);
    add(grid, block, a.as_ptr(), b.as_ptr(), c.as_mut_ptr(), n);

    println!("c = {:?}", c.as_slice());
