accel-derive 0.3.0-alpha.1

Procedual macro for writing GPGPU kernel



Procedural-macro crate for #[kernel]


Install nightly-2020-01-02 toolchain

rustup toolchain add nightly-2020-01-02 --profile minimal

and rust-ptx-linker

cargo install ptx-linker -f


#[kernel] function will be converted to two part:

  • Device code will be compiled into PTX assembler
  • Host code which call the generated device code (PTX asm) using accel::module API

Generate PTX assember

use accel_derive::kernel;

#[dependencies(accel-core = "0.2.0-alpha")]  // Strings in `()` will be parsed as TOML
pub unsafe fn add(a: *const f64, b: *const f64, c: *mut f64, n: usize) {
    let i = accel_core::index();
    if (i as usize) < n {
        *c.offset(i) = *a.offset(i) + *b.offset(i);

will generate a crate with a device code

pub unsafe extern "ptx-kernel" fn add(a: *const f64, b: *const f64, c: *mut f64, n: usize) {
    let i = accel_core::index();
    if (i as usize) < n {
        *c.offset(i) = *a.offset(i) + *b.offset(i);

and Cargo.toml

accel-core = "0.2.0-alpha"

This crate will be compiled into PTX assembler using nvptx64-nvidia-cuda target. nvptx64-nvidia-cuda target does not support libstd currently. You need to write codes in no_std manner.

Kernel launcher

On the other hand, corresponding host code will also generated:

use ::accel::{Grid, Block, kernel::void_cast, module::Module};

pub fn add(grid: Grid, block: Block, a: *const f64, b: *const f64, c: *mut f64, n: usize) {
        static module: Module = Module::from_str("{{PTX_STRING}}").expect("Load module failed");
    module.with(|m| {
        let mut kernel = m.get_kernel("add").expect("Failed to get Kernel");
        let mut args = [void_cast(&a)), void_cast(&b), void_cast(&c)];
        unsafe {
            kernel.launch(args.as_mut_ptr(), grid, block).expect("Failed to launch kernel")

where {{PTX_STRING}} is a PTX assembler string compiled from the device code. This can be called like following:

let grid = Grid::x(1);
let block = Block::x(n as u32);
add(grid, block, a.as_ptr(), b.as_ptr(), c.as_mut_ptr(), n);