Expand description

Core prelude: imported in every application’s prelude.rs


pub use crate::Application;
pub use crate::Command;
pub use crate::ensure;
pub use crate::fail;
pub use crate::fatal;
pub use crate::format_err;
pub use crate::status_err;
pub use crate::status_info;
pub use crate::status_ok;
pub use crate::status_warn;


Tracing macros Events represent single points in time during the execution of a program.

Tracing macros Spans represent periods of time in which a program was executing in a particular context.


Tracing macros Constructs an event at the debug level.

Tracing macros Constructs an event at the error level.

Tracing macros Constructs a new Event.

Tracing macros Constructs an event at the info level.

Tracing macros Constructs a new span.

Tracing macros Constructs an event at the trace level.

Tracing macros Constructs an event at the warn level.


Tracing macros Describes the level of verbosity of a span or event.


Runnable is a common trait for things which can be run without any arguments.

Derive Macros

Commonly used Abscissa traits

Commonly used Abscissa traits