abort_on_panic 0.0.1

Intercept panic! from unsafe locations and abort the process
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When calling Rust code from C, it's unsafe to call panic!. Doing so may cause unsafe behavior. But when calling user-defined functions, we sometimes need to enforce these rules.

To use this library, add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

abort_on_panic = "*"

You can than capture a panic! as follows:

#[phase(plugin, link)] extern crate abort_on_panic;

pub fn main() {
    let result = abort_on_panic!({
    assert_eq!("value", result);

        panic!("Uh oh.");

Credits & license

The original idea for this code came from Benjamin Herr. Many thanks!

This code is placed into the public domain under the terms described by the Unlicense.