abin 0.1.6

A library for working with binaries and strings. The library tries to avoid heap-allocations / memory-copy whenever possible by automatically choosing a reasonable strategy: stack for small binaries; static-lifetime-binary or reference-counting.
name = "abin"
version = "0.1.6"
authors = ["cronosun <silvergate@gmail.com>"]
edition = "2018"
description = "A library for working with binaries and strings. The library tries to avoid heap-allocations / memory-copy whenever possible by automatically choosing a reasonable strategy: stack for small binaries; static-lifetime-binary or reference-counting."
repository = "https://github.com/cronosun/abin/"
homepage = "https://github.com/cronosun/abin/"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
keywords = ["binary", "string", "small", "rc", "stack"]
categories = ["data-structures", "memory-management"]
readme = "../README.md"

smallvec = ">= 1.4"
serde = { version = ">= 1.0.96", optional = true, default-features = false }

stats_alloc = ">= 0.1"
serde_cbor = ">= 0.11"
serde = { version = ">= 1.0.96", features = ["derive"] }
rayon = ">= 1.4"