Module abi_stable::utils

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Utility functions.


Information about a panic, used in ffi_panic_message.


This function allows calculating the distance (in Ts) from from to to.
Prints an error message for attempting to panic across the ffi boundary and aborts the process.
Leaks value into the heap, and returns a reference to it.
Casts a &'a mut ManuallyDrop<T> to *mut T
Casts a &'a mut ManuallyDrop<T> to RMut<'a, T>
Converts a &T to a NonNull<T>.
Takes the contents out of a ManuallyDrop<T>.
Transmute a mutable reference to another mutable reference, changing the referent’s type.
Transmute a reference to another reference, changing the referent’s type.


Helper type for transmuting between Copy types without adding any overhead in debug builds.