Module abi_stable::std_types

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Contains many ffi-safe equivalents of standard library types. The vast majority of them can be converted to and from std equivalents.

For ffi-safe equivalents/wrappers of types outside the standard library go to the external_types module


pub use self::option::RNone;
pub use self::option::RSome;
pub use self::result::RErr;
pub use self::result::ROk;


Contains the ffi-safe equivalent of std::borrow::Cow, and related items.
Contains the ffi-safe equivalent of std::collections::HashMap, and related items.
Contains an ffi-safe equivalent of std::string::String.
Some types from the std::sync module have ffi-safe equivalents in abi_stable::external_types.
An ffi-safe equivalent of std::any::TypeId.
Contains an ffi-safe equivalent of Vec<T>.


Ffi-safe version of std::sync::Arc
Ffi-safe equivalent of std::box::Box.
Ffi-safe version of Box<dyn std::error::Error + 'static> whose Send + Syncness is determined by the M type parameter.
Ffi-safe equivalent of std::time::Duration .
An ffi-safe hashmap, which wraps std::collections::HashMap<K, V, S>, only requiring the K: Eq + Hash bounds when constructing it.
Ffi safe equivalent to std::io::Error.
Ffi safe equivalent to std::io::ErrorKind.
Ffi-safe equivalent of &'a [T]
Ffi-safe equivalent of &'a mut [T]
Ffi-safe equivalent of &'a str
Ffi-safe equivalent of std::string::String.
Ffi-safe equivalent of std::vec::Vec.
An ffi safe 1 element tuple.
An ffi safe 2 element tuple.
An ffi safe 3 element tuple.
An ffi safe 4 element tuple.
An ffi-safe equivalent of std::any::TypeId that can compare types across dynamic libraries.


Ffi-safe equivalent of std::cmp::Ordering.
Ffi-safe equivalent of std::borrow::Cow.
Ffi-safe equivalent of the std::option::Option type.
Ffi-safe equivalent of Result<T, E>.
Ffi-safe equivalent of std::io::SeekFrom.

Type Definitions

Ffi safe equivalent to Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>.
Ffi safe equivalent to Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send>.
Ffi safe equivalent to Box<dyn std::error::Error>.