Module abi_stable::type_layout[][src]

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Types for modeling the layout of a datatype


pub use self::tagging::Tag;


Helper types for type_layout types.

Tag is a dynamically typed data structure used to encode extra properties about a type in its layout constant.


A compressed field accessor,represented as 3 bits inside of a CompTLField.

The compressed generic parameters of a type, which can be expanded into a GenericParams by calling expand.

A TLField represented as a u64, expadable to a TLField by calling the expand method.

The layout of all compressed fields in a type definition, one can access the expanded fields by calling the expand method.

A compressed version of TLFunction, which can be expanded into a TLFunction by calling the expand method.

The typename and generics of the type this layout is associated to, used for printing types (eg: RVec<u8> ).

The generic parameters of a type.

The layout of an enum,that might depend on generic parameters.

Properties of prefix types (vtables and modules) that depends on generic parameters.

An error declaring that the Storage of a nonexhaustive enum is not compatible with the enum.

Whether this enum is exhaustive,if it is,it can add variants in minor versions.

Information about where a type was declared.

Which lifetime is being referenced by a field. Allows lifetimes to be renamed,so long as the “same” lifetime is being referenced.

A LifetimeIndex::NONE terminated array of 5 lifetime indices.

A pair of LifetimeIndex.

Either a LifetimeArray or a range into a slice of LifetimePairs.

An iterator over a list of TypeLayoutCtor.

An error returned by MonoTLData::expand because the GenericTLData it tried to combine itself with was a different variant.

A module path.

A few static slices that many types in the type_layout module contain ranges into, requiring this type to be passed as a parameter.

The parts of the layout of an enum,that don’t depend on generic parameters.

Properties of prefix types (vtables and modules) that don’t change with generic parameters.

The data in the type layout that does not depend on generic parameters.

This stores multiple TypeLayoutCtor,some inline and some in a borrowed slice.

An optional u8 which represents None as u8::max_value()

An optional u16 which represents None as u16::max_value()

A few static slices that many types in the type_layout module contain ranges into, requiring this type to be passed as a parameter.

The start and length of a slice into TLFunctions.

Used to convert the arguments passed to the tl_genparams macro to a StartLen.

The discriminants of an enum.

Every property about an enum specifically.

The layout of a field.

The layout of all the fields in a type definition.

An iterator over all the fields in a type definition.

A function pointer in a field.

An iterator over a range of TLFunctions.

A slice of functions from a TLFunctions.

All the function pointer types in a type declaration.

Properties exclusive to nonexhaustive enums.

Properties of prefix types (vtables and modules), combining MonoTLPrefixType and GenericTLPrefixType.

The layout of a type, also includes metadata about where the type was defined.

An index for a slice of TypeLayoutCtor.

A range of indices into a slice of TypeLayoutCtor which can store up to five indices inline, requiring additional TypeLayoutCtor to be stored contiguously after the fourth one in the slice.


How the discriminant of an enum is represented.

Whether a field is accessible,and how it is accessed.

The part of TLData that can change based on generic parameters.

Either an array of 3 LifetimeIndexPair,or a slice of LifetimeIndexPair.

The parts of TLData that don’t change based on generic parameters.

The repr(..) attribute used on a type.

The interior of the type definition, describing whether the type is a primitive/enum/struct/union and its contents.

A discriminant-only version of TLData.

A discriminant of an enum variant.

Either a TLField or a TLFunction.

Types defined in the compiler

Type Definitions

The underlying representation of CompTLField.

The representation of LifetimeIndexPair.

The internal representation of StartLen.