abe_gpsw 2.0.0

ABE GPSW scheme for BLS pairing implemented in rust
// needed to remove wasm_bindgen warnings
// Wait for `wasm-bindgen` issue 2774: https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-bindgen/issues/2774

use js_sys::Uint8Array;
use wasm_bindgen::{prelude::wasm_bindgen, JsValue};

use crate::core::{
    gpsw::{scheme::GpswMasterPrivateKey, AsBytes, Gpsw},
use abe_policy::{AccessPolicy, Attribute, Policy};

/// Generate the master authority keys for supplied Policy
///  - `policy` : Policy to use to generate the keys (serialized from JSON)
pub fn webassembly_generate_master_keys(policy_bytes: Uint8Array) -> Result<Uint8Array, JsValue> {
    let policy: Policy = serde_json::from_slice(policy_bytes.to_vec().as_slice())
        .map_err(|e| JsValue::from_str(&format!("Error deserializing policy:{e}")))?;

    // Create ABE GPSW keys
    let (private_key, public_key, _delegation_key) = Engine::<Gpsw<Bls12_381>>::new()
        .map_err(|e| JsValue::from_str(&format!("Error generating master keys: {e}")))?;

    // Serialize master keys
    let private_keys_bytes = private_key
        .map_err(|e| JsValue::from_str(&format!("Error serializing master private key: {e}")))?;
    let public_keys_bytes = public_key
        .map_err(|e| JsValue::from_str(&format!("Error serializing master public key: {e}")))?;

    let mut master_keys_bytes =
        Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(4 + private_keys_bytes.len() + public_keys_bytes.len());
    master_keys_bytes.extend_from_slice(&u32::to_be_bytes(private_keys_bytes.len() as u32));

/// Generate a user private key.
/// - `master_private_key_bytes`    : master private key in bytes
/// - `access_policy`               : user access policy (boolean expression as
///   string)
/// - `policy_bytes`                : global policy (serialized from JSON)
pub fn webassembly_generate_user_private_key(
    master_private_key_bytes: Uint8Array,
    access_policy_str: &str,
    policy_bytes: Uint8Array,
) -> Result<Uint8Array, JsValue> {
    let private_key = GpswMasterPrivateKey::<Bls12_381>::try_from_bytes(
    .map_err(|e| JsValue::from_str(&format!("Error deserializing private key: {e}")))?;
    let policy = serde_json::from_slice(policy_bytes.to_vec().as_slice())
        .map_err(|e| JsValue::from_str(&format!("Error deserializing policy: {e}")))?;
    let access_policy = AccessPolicy::from_boolean_expression(access_policy_str)
        .map_err(|e| JsValue::from_str(&format!("Error deserializing access policy: {e}")))?;

    // Generate user decryption key
    let user_key = Engine::<Gpsw<Bls12_381>>::new()
        .generate_user_key(&policy, &private_key, &access_policy)
        .map_err(|e| JsValue::from_str(&format!("Error generating user private key: {e}")))?;

    let user_key_bytes = user_key
        .map_err(|e| JsValue::from_str(&format!("Error serializing user key: {e}")))?;

/// Rotate attributes, changing their underlying values with that of an unused
/// slot
/// - `attributes_bytes`           : user access policy (boolean expression as
///   string)
/// - `policy_bytes`                : global policy (serialized from JSON)
pub fn webassembly_rotate_attributes(
    attributes_bytes: Uint8Array,
    policy_bytes: Uint8Array,
) -> Result<String, JsValue> {
    let attributes: Vec<Attribute> =
            .map_err(|e| JsValue::from_str(&format!("Error deserializing attributes: {e}")))?;
    let mut policy: Policy = serde_json::from_slice(policy_bytes.to_vec().as_slice())
        .map_err(|e| JsValue::from_str(&format!("Error deserializing policy: {e}")))?;

    // Rotate attributes of the current policy
    for attr in &attributes {
            .map_err(|e| JsValue::from_str(&format!("Error rotating attribute: {e}")))?;
