ab_glyph 0.2.14

API for loading, scaling, positioning and rasterizing OpenType font glyphs.
# 0.2.14
* Update _ttf-parser_ to `0.15`.

# 0.2.13
* Update _ttf-parser_ to `0.14`.

# 0.2.12
* Update _owned-ttf-parser_ to `0.13.2`.
* Pre-parse cmap & kern subtables on all `Font` variants at initialization. This provides
  much faster `glyph_id` & `kern` method performance, results in 25-30% faster layout 
  benchmark performance.

# 0.2.11
* `Font::outline` will return `None` for rare invalid/empty glyph bounds instead of panicking.
* Add `Font::glyph_raster_image` for color emoji fonts.

# 0.2.10
* Update _ttf-parser_ to `0.12`.

# 0.2.9
* Update _ttf-parser_ to `0.11`.

# 0.2.8
* Add fallback bounding box calculation for malformed font glyphs with zero sized boxes.
* Update _ttf-parser_ to `0.10`.

# 0.2.7
* Update _ttf-parser_ to `0.9`.

# 0.2.6
* Add `Font::codepoint_ids` method for iterating over `(GlyphId, char)` pairs.
* Clarify documentation.

# 0.2.5
* Add `Font::units_per_em` + documentation on unscaled font units.
* Update _ttf-parser_ to `0.8`.

# 0.2.4
* Update _ttf-parser_ to `0.7` adding CID font support.

# 0.2.3
* Add `v_advance` & `v_side_bearing` methods to `ScaleFont` + `_unscaled` variants to `Font`.

# 0.2.2
* Add `Font::glyph_bounds` method, similar to glyph_brush's `glyph_bounds` but for a single glyph.
* Rename `OutlinedGlyph::bounds` to `OutlinedGlyph::px_bounds` for clarity.

# 0.2.1
* Update _ttf-parser_ to `0.6`.

# 0.2
* Add `_unscaled` suffix to  `Font` trait methods that deal with unscaled metrics.
  This helps distinguish `ScaleFont`'s scaled metrics and can avoid unintended behaviour.
* Rename "libm-math" -> "libm" for consistency with _ab_glyph_rasterizer_. 

# 0.1
* Implement fast glyph layout, outline & drawing primitives.