SKEAZN642 0.1.0

Device support crate for KEAZN64 devices.


Rust device support crate for NXP Kinetis KEA6Z4 series automotive microcontrollers.

This crate was (largely) generated by svd2rust with some manual additions as needed.

SVD obtained from ARM CMSIS Device Packs.


An example memory.x is provided for the s9keazn32amlh (32K Flash, 4K RAM, 256b EEPROM).

To use in your project, rename memory-32.x to memory.x and adjust as needed. Note that there are protected configuration values (Section .FlashConfig) from 0x400 up to 0x410. The text section begins at 0x410.


EEPROM (Section .eeprom) begins at 0x1000_0000. There appears to be no way to program the eeprom directly with development tools.

The work around is to detect if the eeprom is empty/invalid and write to it during setup/initialization. This is not a deficiency in rust or this crate.


Excluding the source SVD and any licenses that may apply to the generated code, all files in this project are licensed under the MIT license.