Pa-rsE 1.0.2

A rusty Pasword Manager that'll blow your arse off
//! # Error
//! This module defines the error type used by the application ([`AppError`])
//! It also contains the [`AppError::code`] function which returns the exit code
//! for the error, as well as multilpe From implementations for the error type.

/// An Enum representing various errors that the program can encounter
pub enum AppError {
    /// A wrapper around [`std::io::Error`], used for errors that occur while
    /// reading or writing to files
    IoError(std::io::Error) = 3,

    /// A wrapper around [`toml::de::Error`], used for errors that occur while
    /// deserializing [`crate::config::Config`] to TOML
    DeserError(toml::de::Error) = 4,

    /// A wrapper around [`toml::ser::Error`], used for errors that occur while
    /// serializing [`crate::config::Config`] to TOML
    SerError(toml::ser::Error) = 5,

    /// Any error that can occur when operating on a profile
    ProfileError = 6,

    /// A general error, non-specific to any other error type
    /// This is used for anything that doesn't fit into the above error types
    GeneralError(String) = 1,

impl AppError {
    /// Returns the exit code assigned to the error
    pub fn code(&self) -> i32 {
        unsafe { *(self as *const Self as *const i32) }

impl From<std::io::Error> for AppError {
    fn from(err: std::io::Error) -> Self {

impl From<toml::de::Error> for AppError {
    fn from(err: toml::de::Error) -> Self {

impl From<toml::ser::Error> for AppError {
    fn from(err: toml::ser::Error) -> Self {