Inflector 0.3.0

Adds String based inflections for Rust. Snake, kebab, camel, sentence, class, title, table, upper, and lower cases as well as ordinalize, deordinalize, demodulize, foreign key, and pluralize/singularize are supported as both traits and pure functions acting on String types.
# 0.3.0

## Fixes:

- Resolves issues with pluralize not always correctly pluralizing strings.
  Thanks, @weiznich!
- Resolves issues with silently failing test on table case
- Replaces complex code used for is_*_case checks with simple conversion and
  check equality.

## Breaking changes:

- Dropping support for Rust versions below stable

# 0.2.1

## Features:

- Replaced custom implementation of lower and uppercase with Rust default

## Breaking changes:

- Rust 1.2 or greater required

# 0.2.0

## Features:

- Added Pluralize
- Added Singularize
- Added Table case

## Fixes:

- Fixed doc tests to properly run as rust auto wraps doc tests in a function and
  never ran the inner function that was defined.
- Fixed documentation for kebab case
- Fixed several failed tests for various cases which were mainly typos

## Breaking changes:

- Class case now singularizes strings and verifies that strings are
  singularized. Those wishing for the old behaviour should remain on the 0.1.6

# 0.1.6

## Features:

- Added screaming snake case

# 0.1.5

## Fixes:

- Refactored tests into doc tests.

# 0.1.4

## Features:

- Significant performance improvement for casting strings between different case
  types see #13.

## Fixes:

- Fixed performance issues with string casting.
- Removed heavy reliance on Regex

# 0.1.3

## Fixes:

- Refactored code to mostly pass through snake case then be converted to lower
  the number of moving parts and reduce the complexity for adding a new casting
  as only snake case would need to be modified to convert to most other cases.

## Breaking changes:

- This release is slow in contrast to other crates

# 0.1.2

## Fixes:

- Documentation fixes
- Added uppercase
- Added lowercase
- Added foreign key
- Added sentence case
- Added title case

# 0.1.1

## Features:
- Adds support for foreign key
- Adds demodulize
- Adds deconstantize
- Adds trait based usage

# 0.1.0

## Features:

- Added support for camel case
- Added support for class case
- Added support for kebab case
- Added support for snake case