Module rgsl::exponential

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  • This routine provides an exponential function \exp(x) using GSL semantics and error checking.
  • This routine provides an exponential function \exp(x) using GSL semantics and error checking.
  • This function computes the exponential \exp(x) using the gsl_sf_result_e10 type to return a result with extended range.
  • This function exponentiates x with an associated absolute error dx.
  • This function exponentiates a quantity x with an associated absolute error dx using the ResultE10 type to return a result with extended range.
  • This routine exponentiates x and multiply by the factor y to return the product y \exp(x).
  • This routine exponentiates x and multiply by the factor y to return the product y \exp(x).
  • This function computes the exponential \exp(x) using the gsl_sf_result_e10 type to return a result with extended range.
  • This routine computes the product y \exp(x) for the quantities x, y with associated absolute errors dx, dy.
  • This routine computes the product y \exp(x) for the quantities x, y with associated absolute errors dx, dy using the gsl_sf_result_e10 type to return a result with extended range.
  • This routine computes the quantity \exp(x)-1 using an algorithm that is accurate for small x.
  • This routine computes the quantity \exp(x)-1 using an algorithm that is accurate for small x.
  • This routine computes the quantity (\exp(x)-1)/x using an algorithm that is accurate for small x. For small x the algorithm is based on the expansion (\exp(x)-1)/x = 1 + x/2 + x^2/(2*3) + x^3/(2*3*4) + \dots.
  • This routine computes the quantity 2(\exp(x)-1-x)/x^2 using an algorithm that is accurate for small x. For small x the algorithm is based on the expansion 2(\exp(x)-1-x)/x^2 = 1 + x/3 + x^2/(3*4) + x^3/(3*4*5) + \dots.
  • This routine computes the quantity 2(\exp(x)-1-x)/x^2 using an algorithm that is accurate for small x. For small x the algorithm is based on the expansion 2(\exp(x)-1-x)/x^2 = 1 + x/3 + x^2/(3*4) + x^3/(3*4*5) + \dots.
  • This routine computes the quantity (\exp(x)-1)/x using an algorithm that is accurate for small x. For small x the algorithm is based on the expansion (\exp(x)-1)/x = 1 + x/2 + x^2/(2*3) + x^3/(2*3*4) + \dots.
  • This routine computes the N-relative exponential, which is the n-th generalization of the functions gsl_sf_exprel and gsl_sf_exprel_2. The N-relative exponential is given by:
  • This routine computes the N-relative exponential, which is the n-th generalization of the functions gsl_sf_exprel and gsl_sf_exprel_2. The N-relative exponential is given by: