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This crate exposes a platform specific CrashContext which contains the details for a crash (signal, exception, etc). This crate is fairly minimal since the intended use case is to more easily share these crash details between different crates without requiring lots of dependencies, and is currently only really made for the purposes of the crates in this repo, and minidump-writer.


This crate also contains a portable implementation of getcontext, as not all libc implementations (notably musl) implement it as it has been deprecated from POSIX.


One major difference on Macos is that the details in the CrashContext cannot be transferred to another process via normal methods (eg. sockets) and must be sent via the criminally undocumented mach ports. This crate provides a Client and Server that can be used to send and receive a CrashContext across processes so that you don’t have to suffer like I did.


Full Windows crash context