Crate cranelift_wasm

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Performs translation from a wasm module in binary format to the in-memory form of Cranelift IR. More particularly, it translates the code of all the functions bodies and interacts with an environment implementing the ModuleEnvironment trait to deal with tables, globals and linear memory.

The main function of this module is translate_module.



  • Rust module prelude for Wasmtime crates.
  • A simple event-driven library for parsing WebAssembly binary files (or streams).


  • Creates a String using interpolation of runtime expressions.
  • Return an Err(WasmError::Unsupported(msg)) where msg the string built by calling format! on the arguments to this macro.


  • A constant expression.
  • Index type of a passive data segment inside the WebAssembly module.
  • Index type of a defined function inside the WebAssembly module.
  • Index type of a defined global inside the WebAssembly module.
  • Index type of a defined memory inside the WebAssembly module.
  • Index type of a defined table inside the WebAssembly module.
  • Index type of a passive element segment inside the WebAssembly module.
  • Index type of a canonicalized recursive type group inside the whole engine (as opposed to canonicalized within just a single Wasm module).
  • Index type of a function (imported or defined) inside the WebAssembly module.
  • Contains information passed along during a function’s translation and that records:
  • WebAssembly to Cranelift IR function translator.
  • Temporary object used to build a single Cranelift IR Function.
  • A WebAssembly global.
  • Index type of a global variable (imported or defined) inside the WebAssembly module.
  • An opaque reference to a HeapData.
  • A heap implementing a WebAssembly linear memory.
  • WebAssembly linear memory.
  • Index type of a linear memory (imported or defined) inside the WebAssembly module.
  • Index type of a canonicalized recursive type group inside a WebAssembly module (as opposed to canonicalized within the whole engine).
  • A canonicalized type index for a type within a single WebAssembly module.
  • Index type of a defined memory inside the WebAssembly module.
  • A canonicalized type index referencing a type within a single recursion group from another type within that same recursion group.
  • Index into the global list of modules found within an entire component.
  • WebAssembly table.
  • An implementation of a WebAssembly table.
  • Index type of a table (imported or defined) inside the WebAssembly module.
  • WebAssembly event.
  • Index type of an event inside the WebAssembly module.
  • Index type of a type (imported or defined) inside the WebAssembly module.
  • A canonicalized type index into an engine’s shared type registry.
  • A concrete array type.
  • The type of a struct field or array element.
  • WebAssembly function type – equivalent of wasmparser’s FuncType.
  • A recursive type group.
  • WebAssembly reference type – equivalent of wasmparser’s RefType
  • A concrete struct type.
  • A concrete, user-defined (or host-defined) Wasm type.




  • Environment affecting the translation of a single WebAssembly function.
  • An object satisfying the ModuleEnvironment trait can be passed as argument to the translate_module function. These methods should not be called by the user, they are only for cranelift-wasm internal use.
  • Environment affecting the translation of a WebAssembly.
  • Helpers used to convert a wasmparser type to a type in this crate.
  • A trait for things that can trace all type-to-type edges, aka all type indices within this thing.


Type Aliases§

  • A convenient alias for a Result that uses WasmError as the error type.