Expand description

Cranelift code generation library.


pub extern crate cranelift_bforest as bforest;
pub extern crate cranelift_entity as entity;
pub use verifier::verify_function;
pub use write::write_function;


Binary machine code emission.
The CFGPrinter utility.
Cursor library.
Debug tracing helpers.
A Dominator Tree represented as mappings of Ebbs to their immediate dominator.
A control flow graph represented as mappings of extended basic blocks to their predecessors and successors.
Representation of Cranelift IR functions.
Instruction Set Architectures.
A loop analysis represented as mappings of loops to their header Ebb and parent in the loop tree.
Compact representation of Option<T> for types with a reserved value.
Utility routines for pretty-printing error messages.
Shared settings module.
Pass timing.
A verifier for ensuring that functions are well formed. It verifies:
Converting Cranelift IR to text.


Persistent data structures and compilation pipeline.


A compilation error.


Version number of the cranelift-codegen crate.


Legalize func for isa.

Type Definitions

A convenient alias for a Result that uses CodegenError as the error type.