Trait cradle::output::Output[][src]

pub trait Output: Sized { }
Expand description

All possible return types of cmd!, cmd_unit! or cmd_result! must implement this trait. This return-type polymorphism makes cradle very flexible. For example, if you want to capture what a command writes to stdout you can do that using StdoutUntrimmed:

use cradle::prelude::*;

let StdoutUntrimmed(output) = cmd!(%"echo foo");
assert_eq!(output, "foo\n");

But if instead you want to capture the command’s ExitStatus, you can use Status:

use cradle::prelude::*;

let Status(exit_status) = cmd!("false");
assert_eq!(exit_status.code(), Some(1));

For documentation on what all the possible return types do, see the documentation for the individual impls of Output. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of the more commonly used return types to get you started:

Also, Output is implemented for tuples. You can use this to combine multiple return types that implement Output. The following code for example retrieves the command’s ExitStatus and what it writes to stdout:

use cradle::prelude::*;

let (Status(exit_status), StdoutUntrimmed(stdout)) = cmd!(%"echo foo");
assert_eq!(stdout, "foo\n");

Implementations on Foreign Types

Use this when you don’t need any result from the child process.

use cradle::prelude::*;

let () = cmd!(%"touch ./foo");

Since cmd! (and cmd_result) use return type polymorphism, you have to make sure the compiler can figure out which return type you want to use. In this example that happens through the let () =. So you can’t just omit that.

See also cmd_unit! for a more convenient way to use () as the return type.

Using bool as the return type for cmd! will return true if the command returned successfully, and false otherwise:

use cradle::prelude::*;

if !cmd!(%"which cargo") {
    panic!("Cargo is not installed!");

Also, when using bool, non-zero exit codes will not result in a panic or std::result::Result::Err:

use cradle::prelude::*;

let success: bool = cmd!("false");
let result: Result<bool, cradle::Error> = cmd_result!("false");
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), false);

Also see the section about error handling in the module documentation.
