coverage-prepare 0.3.1

Convert coverage data to HTML reports, LCOV files or terminal tables
coverage-prepare-0.3.1 is not a library.

Coverage Prepare


Convert coverage data to HTML reports, LCOV files or terminal tables.

coverage-prepare --help:

Convert "profraw" coverage data to:
* HTML reports
* terminal table reports
* LCOV files (for upload to codecov etc.)

See for more information.

    coverage-prepare [OPTIONS] <OUTPUT_FORMAT> [BINARIES]...

            output format
            [possible values: html, report, lcov]

            binary files to build coverage from

    -h, --help
            Print help information

        --ignore-filename-regex <IGNORE_FILENAME_REGEX>
            maps to the `--ignore-filename-regex` argument to `llvm-cov`, `\.cargo/registry` &
            `library/std` are always ignored, repeat to ignore multiple filenames

            whether to not delete the processed `.profraw` files and the generated `.profdata` file
            after generating the coverage reports, by default these files are deleted

    -o, --output-path <OUTPUT_PATH>
            Output path, defaults to `rust_coverage.lcov` for lcov output, and `htmlcov/rust` for
            html output

    -V, --version
            Print version information