count-unsafe 0.1.1

Recursively count unsafe Rust code in a given path.
count-unsafe-0.1.1 is not a library.

count-unsafe CI

Count-unsafe counts the amount of unsafe Rust code in a given path.

This project is built on the geiger library. In contrast to cargo-geiger though, this application does not integrate with cargo and simply counts unsafe code in all Rust source files in a given path.


This project is available on

cargo install count-unsafe


Running count-unsafe on Cargo's source (0.69.0):

$ count-unsafe cargo/src
  "functions": {
    "safe": 759,
    "unsafe_": 2
  "exprs": {
    "safe": 50434,
    "unsafe_": 238
  "item_impls": {
    "safe": 549,
    "unsafe_": 0
  "item_traits": {
    "safe": 16,
    "unsafe_": 0
  "methods": {
    "safe": 1804,
    "unsafe_": 0


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