Crate cosmwasm_schema

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pub use schemars;
pub use serde;


Generates an Api for the contract. The body describes the message types exported in the schema and allows setting contract name and version overrides.
Generates a RootSchema for the given type using default settings.
Takes care of generating the interface description file for a contract. The body describes the message types included and allows setting contract name and version overrides.


Rust representation of a contract’s API.



The version of the CosmWasm IDL.


A trait for tying QueryMsg variants (different contract queries) to their response types. This is mostly useful for the generated contracted API description when using cargo schema.


Combines multiple response schemas into one. Panics if there are name collisions. Used internally in the implementation of QueryResponses when using #[query_responses(nested)]

Attribute Macros

An attribute macro that annotates types with things they need to be properly (de)serialized for use in CosmWasm contract messages and/or responses, and also for schema generation.

Derive Macros