Module cosmrs::tx

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Cosmos SDK transaction support.


The Cosmos SDK defines a standard transaction format used by blockchain applications built on the SDK.

Transactions are comprised of metadata held in contexts and Msgs that trigger state changes within a module through the module’s Msg service.

When users want to interact with an application and make state changes (e.g. sending coins), they create transactions. Each of a transaction’s Msgs must be signed using the private key associated with the appropriate account(s), before the transaction is broadcasted to the network.

A transaction must then be included in a block, validated, and approved by the network through the consensus process.


The following example illustrates how to build, sign, and parse a Cosmos SDK transaction:

use cosmrs::{
    tx::{self, Fee, Msg, SignDoc, SignerInfo, Tx},
    AccountId, Coin

// Generate sender private key.
// In real world usage, this account would need to be funded before use.
let sender_private_key = secp256k1::SigningKey::random();
let sender_public_key = sender_private_key.public_key();
let sender_account_id = sender_public_key.account_id("cosmos")?;

// Parse recipient address from Bech32.
let recipient_account_id = "cosmos19dyl0uyzes4k23lscla02n06fc22h4uqsdwq6z"

// Building transactions //

// We'll be doing a simple send transaction.
// First we'll create a "Coin" amount to be sent, in this case 1 million uatoms.
let amount = Coin {
    amount: 1_000_000u128,
    denom: "uatom".parse()?,

// Next we'll create a send message (from the "bank" module) for the coin
// amount we created above.
let msg_send = MsgSend {
    from_address: sender_account_id.clone(),
    to_address: recipient_account_id,
    amount: vec![amount.clone()],

// Transaction metadata: chain, account, sequence, gas, fee, timeout, and memo.
let chain_id = "cosmoshub-4".parse()?;
let account_number = 1;
let sequence_number = 0;
let gas = 100_000u64;
let timeout_height = 9001u16;
let memo = "example memo";

// Create transaction body from the MsgSend, memo, and timeout height.
let tx_body = tx::Body::new(vec![msg_send.to_any()?], memo, timeout_height);

// Create signer info from public key and sequence number.
// This uses a standard "direct" signature from a single signer.
let signer_info = SignerInfo::single_direct(Some(sender_public_key), sequence_number);

// Compute auth info from signer info by associating a fee.
let auth_info = signer_info.auth_info(Fee::from_amount_and_gas(amount, gas));

// Signing transactions //

// The "sign doc" contains a message to be signed.
let sign_doc = SignDoc::new(&tx_body, &auth_info, &chain_id, account_number)?;

// Sign the "sign doc" with the sender's private key, producing a signed raw transaction.
let tx_signed = sign_doc.sign(&sender_private_key)?;

// Serialize the raw transaction as bytes (i.e. `Vec<u8>`).
let tx_bytes = tx_signed.to_bytes()?;

// Parsing transactions //

// Parse the serialized bytes from above into a `cosmrs::Tx`
let tx_parsed = Tx::from_bytes(&tx_bytes)?;
assert_eq!(tx_parsed.body, tx_body);
assert_eq!(tx_parsed.auth_info, auth_info);


pub use self::mode_info::ModeInfo;


Mode info.


AuthInfo describes the fee and signer modes that are used to sign a transaction.
Body of a transaction that all signers sign over.
Transaction Body builder which simplifies incrementally assembling and signing a transaction.
The core error reporting type of the library, a wrapper around a dynamic error reporting type.
Fee includes the amount of coins paid in fees and the maximum gas to be used by the transaction.
Raw transaction
SignDoc is the type used for generating sign bytes for SIGN_MODE_DIRECT.
SignerInfo describes the public key and signing mode of a single top-level signer.
Tx is the standard type used for broadcasting transactions.


SignMode represents a signing mode with its own security guarantees.
Signer’s public key.


Extension trait for Message.
Message types.

Type Definitions

Account number.
Sequence number.
Serialized signature.