Module corundum::sync[][src]

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Useful synchronization primitives


A transaction-wide recursive mutual exclusion primitive useful for protecting shared data while transaction is open. Further locking in the same thread is non-blocking. Any access to data is serialized. Borrow rules are checked dynamically to prevent multiple mutable dereferencing.

A thread-safe reference-counting persistent pointer. ‘Parc’ stands for ‘Persistent Atomically Reference Counted’.

The Parc inner data type

VWeak is a version of Parc that holds a non-owning thread-safe reference to the managed allocation in the volatile heap. The allocation is accessed by calling upgrade on the VWeak pointer, which returns an Option<Parc<T>>.

Weak is a version of Parc that holds a non-owning reference to the managed allocation. The allocation is accessed by calling upgrade on the Weak pointer, which returns an Option<Parc<T>>.
