Module corundum::prc[][src]

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Single-threaded reference-counting persistent pointers

Prc is a persistent pointer sharing the underlying data between multiple owners. To create a new strong reference, you may use pclone function. When the last owner of data goes out of scope, the strong reference count becomes zero, and the owner drops the allocation.

Cyclic References

If there is a cycle in the chain of references, dropping the link may yield a memory leak. For example, assume that we have three nodes of A, B, and C, which are connected together like figure (a) below:

Strong Refs:     1    2    1        1    1    1        1    1    1
                 A -▷ B -▷ C        A    B -▷ C        A -▷ B -▷ C
                      △    │             △    │             △    ┆
                      └────┘             └────┘             └----┘
                     (a)                (b)                (c)

In this topology, B has two strong references: A and C. Therefore, when the A -▷ B link drops, it loses only one strong references allowing the other strong reference to keep the cycle it in memory while the nodes are unreachable. The resulting network is shown in figure (b).

Weak is provided to fix this issue. Although it is not enforced, the programmer can take benefits out of it. A weak link does not increment the strong reference counter. Making C -▷ B weak, which is shown in figure (c), resolves this problem. Since B’s strong reference counter is 1, dropping A -▷ B makes it zero and B’s drop function gets called.


The following example does not use a weak pointer leading to a memory leak. It creates the following links: A -> B, B -> C, and C -> B. The last two links create a cycle. Therefore, when A goes of scope, it cannot drop B and C because the strong reference count for both of them is non-zero. Nodes B and C remain in memory forever.

use corundum::default::*;
type P = BuddyAlloc;
struct Node {
    val: char,
    link: PRefCell<Option<Prc<Node>>>
impl Node {
    fn new(val: char) -> Self {
        println!("{} is created", val);
        Self { val, link: PRefCell::new(None) }
impl Drop for Node {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("{} is dropped", self.val);
let _pool = P::open_no_root("net.pool", O_CF).unwrap();
transaction(|j| {
    let A = Prc::new(Node::new('A'), j);
    let B = Prc::new(Node::new('B'), j);
    let C = Prc::new(Node::new('C'), j);
    let mut a_link =;
    let mut b_link =;
    let mut c_link =;
    *a_link = Some(B.pclone(j));
    *b_link = Some(C.pclone(j));
    *c_link = Some(B.pclone(j));

The output of the example above is as follows (B and C do not drop the allocation):

A is created
B is created
C is created
A is dropped

To prevent the memory leak, we can use a weak link. The following example shows how to manually prevent cycles. The C -> B link is weak, so the strong reference counter becomes zero when A -> B is eliminated.

use corundum::default::*;
type P = BuddyAlloc;
enum Link<T: PSafe> {
struct Node {
    val: char,
    link: PRefCell<Link<Node>>
impl Node {
    fn new(val: char) -> Self {
        println!("{} is created", val);
        Self { val, link: PRefCell::new(Null) }
impl Drop for Node {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("{} is dropped", self.val);
let _pool = P::open_no_root("net.pool", O_CF).unwrap();
transaction(|j| {
    let A = Prc::new(Node::new('A'), j);
    let B = Prc::new(Node::new('B'), j);
    let C = Prc::new(Node::new('C'), j);
    let mut a_link =;
    let mut b_link =;
    let mut c_link =;
    *a_link = Strong(B.pclone(j));
    *b_link = Strong(C.pclone(j));
    *c_link = Weak(Prc::downgrade(&B, j));

The output shows that no Node remains in memory.

A is created
B is created
C is created
A is dropped
B is dropped
C is dropped


A single-thread reference-counting persistent pointer. ‘Prc’ stands for ‘Persistent Reference Counted’.

VWeak is a version of Prc that holds a non-owning reference to the managed allocation in the volatile heap. The allocation is accessed by calling promote on the VWeak pointer, which returns an Option<Prc<T>>.

Weak is a version of Prc that holds a non-owning reference to the managed allocation. The allocation is accessed by calling upgrade on the Weak pointer, which returns an Option<Prc<T>>.