macro_rules! parse_generics {
        $(:: $(@$leading:tt@)? )? $first:ident $(:: $trailing:ident)* ! {$($prefix:tt)*}

    ) => { ... };
Available on crate feature generics_parsing only.
Expand description

Transforms generic parameters for use in type definitions, impl blocks and generic arguments, passing them to a callback macro.



Basic example of the syntax this macro expects and passes to a callback macro.

use core_extensions::parse_generics;
    assert_eq!(hello(), "world")
// `parse_generics` calls `crate::foo` here
parse_generics! {
        // The first tokens passed to the `crate::foo` macro
        hello "world" foo bar 
        // The parsed tokens
        'a, T: Foo = A, const N: usize
macro_rules! foo {
        $fn_name:ident $string:literal foo bar

        // generics for use in type/trait declarations
        ('a, T: Foo + = $default_ty:ty, const N: $const_ty0:ty,)

        // generics for use in `impl<...>`, and function`declarations
        ('a, T: Foo +, const N: $const_ty1:ty,)

        // generics for use in generic arguments
        ('a, T, N,)

        // `PhantomData` type that uses all lifetimes and types
    ) => {
        fn $fn_name() -> &'static str {