macro_rules! impl_parse_generics {
        $(:: $(@$leading:tt@)? )? $first:ident $(:: $trailing:ident)* ! $prefix:tt

    ) => { ... };
Available on crate feature item_parsing only.
Expand description

For parsing impl blocks, transforming the generic parameters to a form easily parsable by the callback macro.



Basic examples of using this macro, and what it passes to a callback macro.

For a more realistic example you can look at the one below

use core_extensions::impl_parse_generics;
assert_eq!(hello(), "world");
// impl_parse_generics invokes `bar` here
        // The first tokens passed to the `bar` macro
        hello "world" foo bar 
        unsafe impl<'a: 'b, T: Foo, U, const X: usize> Trait<X, Y> for Type
        where U: Bar 
            fn hello(){} 
macro_rules! bar {
        $fn_name:ident $returns:literal foo bar 
        // the attributes
        // the qualifiers (if `const impl` becomes a thing, i'll be included here)
        // The generic parameters are classified by kind
        // Bounds always have a trailing `+``
        // Generic parameters always have a trailing `,`
            ('a:('b +),)          // lifetimes
            (T:(Foo +), U:(),)  // types
            (X: $const_ty:ty,) // constants
        // the imlpemented trait.
        // If this not a trait impl, then `trait(....)` is not passed
        trait(Trait<X, Y>)
        // the type that this is an impl for
        // inside the where clause, this always has a trailing comma
        (U: Bar,)
        // the body of the impl
        ({ fn hello() {} })
    ) => {
        fn $fn_name() -> &'static str {

More Realistic Example

This example demonstrates a macro to avoid having to repeat generic parameters and bounds.

use std::ops::Index;
fn main() {
    let foo = Foo([3, 5], vec![8, 13, 21]);
    assert_eq!(foo.get(), [3, 5]);
    assert_eq!(foo[0], 8);
    assert_eq!(foo[1], 13);
    assert_eq!(foo[2], 21);
struct Foo<T, U>(T, U);
    impl<T: Clone, U> Foo<T, U>
        U: IntoIterator<Item = u32>;
    impl Self {
        fn get(&self) -> T {
    impl<V> Index<V> for Self 
        U: Index<V>
        type Output = U::Output;
        fn index(&self, index: V) -> &U::Output {
macro_rules! repeat_generics {
macro_rules! __priv_inner_repeat_generics {
            ($($lt:lifetime :($($lt_bound:tt)*),)*)
            ($($ty:ident :($($ty_bound:tt)*),)*)
            ($($const:ident: $const_ty:ty,)*)
        $(trait $trait:tt)?
        type $Self:tt
        ( ; $($items:tt)* )
    ) => {
                "cannot implement a trait in the impl without a body: ",
                    ($($lt: $($lt_bound)*,)*) 
                    ($($ty: $($ty_bound)*,)*)
                    ($(const $const: $const_ty,)*)
    ( @iterate $params:tt $($item:item)* )=>{
                $crate::__priv_inner_repeat_generics!{@inner $params}
            ( ($($out_lt:tt)*) ($($out_ty:tt)*) ($($out_const:tt)*) )
            ($($lt:lifetime :($($lt_bound:tt)*),)*)
            ($($ty:ident :($($ty_bound:tt)*),)*)
            ($($const:ident: $const_ty:ty,)*)
        ({ $($items:tt)* })
    ) => {
            $($out_lt)* $($lt: $($lt_bound)*,)*
            $($out_ty)* $($ty: $($ty_bound)*,)*
            $($out_const)* $(const $const: $const_ty,)*
        > $( $trait for )? $Self
pub mod __ {
    pub use std::compile_error;
    pub use core_extensions::impl_parse_generics;