Macro convertable_errors::convertable_error[][src]

macro_rules! convertable_error {
        $v:vis enum $name:ident {
                ($variant:ident$(($($field:ty),*))?$(, $equivalents:tt)?)
    ) => { ... };
    (@from $name:ident, ($variant:ident, [$(($ftype:ty, $converter:expr)),+])) => { ... };
    (@from $name:ident, ($variant:ident, [$($ftype:ty),+])) => { ... };
    (@from $name:ident, ($variant:ident)) => { ... };
Expand description

Derives From implementations for enums whose variants can be expressed by such foreign types.

For example, this:

mod serde_json {
    pub struct Error;

enum MyError {

impl From<serde_json::Error> for MyError {
    fn from(e: serde_json::Error) -> Self {

is condensed using convertable-errors into this:

mod serde_json {
    pub struct Error;

convertable_error! {
    enum MyError {
        (SerializationError(serde_json::Error), [(serde_json::Error, Self::SerializationError)])

The syntax for defining a convertable enum with convertable-errors is as follows:

  • Each variant of an enum must be wrapped in a tuple: enum MyError { (Variant(ForeignType)), (Variant1) }
  • The first member of the tuple represents your variant. At the moment, only tuple variants and unit variants are supported bc I’m a lazy fuck.
  • The second member of the tuple (optional) represents the types that can be converted into that variant: enum MyError { (Variant(ForeignType), [ ... ]), (Variant1) }
  • The members of the convertable types array are each tuples representing the foreign type that can be converted into your enum and the closure or variant to apply the foreign value to: [(ForeignType, Self::Variant)]. Internally, this second member can be a closure |x| Self::Variant(x), a unit variant closure |_| Self::Variant1, or simply a variant identifier where the value of the foreign type will be stored: Self::Variant. In practice, you can use this macro for any enum, but I find it most useful for Error-like enums.

NOTE: This isn’t a serious project, I might have made some mistakes, so feel free to open a PR :) This is just a helpful snippet that I use and felt like sharing.